
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Always More Room Here and a Milestone!

Always Room for Nasturtiums in Containers!
I Took This Photo Over the Weekend!
This Photo Was From the Garage Just Now!
I guess I'm trying to remind you that you don't have to have a whole herb garden to have herbs.  It just takes one container.  I got carried away with the seed packets of nasturtiums.  Since we have a Peruvian in the house and nasturtiums are native to Peru, it makes sense that we would have a lot of choices.  Nasturtium seeds are great to plant with your kids or grandkids.  They are big and fit right in the hand of a child.  They come up quickly and as long as you water them, they will produce flowers.  Unlike some other herbs in containers, you don't need to fertilize nasturtiums.  You'll end up with more leaves than flowers, but remember both leaves and flowers are edible.  The flowers are my favorite filled with The Herbal Husband's famous guacamole dip.   I will have to get The Herbal Husband to write it down so I can give it to you.  Here is a recipe from Alton Brown of The Food Network for guacamole.  I will say that The Herbal Husband does not use spicy heat in his guacamole because I can't eat anymore.  It is chilly and gray.  Sorta of like late fall or early winter!  It's spring and we go from hot to cool!  Now we're having March weather in June!

The milestone is that Miss C graduates from 8th grade tonight!  Yikes!  Time really has flown by!  She is off to high school now and a public one at that.  What I love about Miss C is that she is fearless.  She will try anything at least once!  I was a painfully shy child and I so admire kids that take the challenge.  Her brother is in the running for a job (maybe one of several jobs).  We are keeping all appendages crossed for his success.  I think I'm going to stay inside and take a break and work on my review for Timber Press and my post for The Herb Companion.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. I've tried growing nasturtiums before and had a little success years ago. Then I think my seeds were too old and maybe I didn't water them enough. I should give them another try.

    The flowers stuffed with your DH's guacamole sounds delicious. I do hope you will post his recipe for the guac.


  2. I will do that Flowerlady. I thought amongst the 1,000+ posts I had posted it, but no! Need to get him to write it down!


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Lemon Verbena Lady