
Friday, June 1, 2012

Blooming and Making the Garden Smell Good!

This has been an excellent blooming year so far and I have to keep remembering it is just June!  There will be a lot of nonblooming times this summer because so many of my plants have bloomed early and often.  This valerian has been very beautiful and fragrant.  I had a reminder to myself to purchase more if I could find them.  I have three now because it has happily cloned itself in other places.  Glad it did because I would have had to do mail order.  It is known as a sleep aid and its vanilla scented blooms are enough to make you sleepy.  Valerian does take a bit of shade.  All of mine have morning shade and afternoon sun.  They would probably do well with morning sun and afternoon shade.  Got to run.  Don't forget to get in on the giveaway for The Herb Companion magazines.  You have until 10 PM tonight.  So I will be back later to announce the winners.  Off to lunch and the movies to see Snow White and the Huntsman or is it men?  I'll let you know.  Talk to you later.

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Lemon Verbena Lady