
Sunday, June 3, 2012

An Interesting Visitor in the Herb Garden!

We have some cool visitors that stop by the herb garden from time to time.  This little guy was fast, but then it just stuck around and let me take its photo!  This is a common whitetail dragonfly!  Who knew?  It was supposed to rain early in the day, but I got a bit more accomplished than I thought.  So hope you had a good day.  I've heard from two of the magazine winners.  So please if you are a winner, e-mail me your mailing information.  BTW, I added a little list of chores with photos on the right hand side of the blog that are going on in my herb garden especially for those of you who are in the mid-Atlantic states, but hopefully it will be helpful to other parts of the US as well.  Talk to you later. 


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady