
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One of My Favorites This Time of Year!

This red bee balm is just beautiful.  Remember it is an edible flower.  The petals have that spice that the leaves have.  Delicious in a fruit salad.  Haven't seen one hummingbird yet this year.  Maybe will start to see them soon?  I hope.  There is always hope.  A delightful day in the garden.  Need to get the lawn (what's left of it) mowed.  Then pick more raspberries!  Was just dog tired yesterday from picking.  I don't know how farm hands do it!  Will be making jam tomorrow morning.  Here is an early post for my raspberry jam recipe.  Look at the date September, 2008 and it is just June!  I do get a break for a time.  These are last year's canes, but they are producing like crazy.  Mild winter, I guess.  Hope you are having a great day!  The mower is ready for me to mow.  Talk to you later.


  1. Mine is blooming now also, I didn't know the flowers were edible!

  2. Our raspberries are still growing, Will ate one the other day and puckered up quick!!! Sour Face! I saw a hummingbird the other day while in Maine. Love them. They are so quick! Wish they could bottle up that energy. ;)Happy Mowing! Alyssa

  3. Yes, Peggy they are edible. Just make sure to only eat the petals.

    Alyssa, I have three batches of raspberry jam to make tomorrow. Delish! Will will love raspberries later when you want to make jam! I have to keep The Herbal Husband from picking sometimes because it's one of the basket and two for him!

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  4. Gosh I have been so busy I am behind in visiting your blog! And, remiss in giving you a big virtual hug and thank you for my magazine prize I received! love and hugs to you Nancy!!! THANK YOU!! xoxoxo

  5. That's OK, Leslie! Glad you are enjoying your magazine and I'm glad you won! And I think I need to come by and comment to win your giveaway? xxoo Nancy

  6. My own bee balm is just starting to bloom, We have had our usual crew of hummingbirds this summer - though right now they are quieter as there are so many things in bloom - the feeders are visited as often. But they love perching on our new garden fence so I see them every morning.
    Started drying sage, parsley and gathering lemon balm and lemon thyme for my Lemon Tea Loaf...
    Have had a few days of gorgeous weather - in the 70's - tomorrow back to high humidity & up to 90 - yuck.

  7. Mine is blooming too...even though I dug it up and put it in a pot for the front redo that won't end. Hoping to keep all of those potted plants alive through the heat wave that's due to hit. They are begging for their new home to be finished NOW!

  8. I miss the hummers TO! Hope they make an appearance later...

    I'm rooting for you to finish your project, Carol! I'm sure it will be worth it!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by! Off to make raspberry jam!


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Lemon Verbena Lady