
Friday, June 29, 2012

Why I Drive For Your Safety and Mine!

The Herbal Husband was taking his car to be inspected.  He had been noticing insect action around his car.  He decided he had to see what was going on.  Voila!  Yellow jackets building a nest in the trunk of his car.  My statement:  You don't drive it enough!  His statement:  You don't let me drive! (Not really, but I thought it would be funny!)  He really said you're right!  Even funnier!  Well, we were swatting them (not recommended especially during the day) and got rid of them.  That changed what car was going into the garage and I drew the short straw again!  The garage has been almost cleaned out so his 18 year old car can go back inside.  Remember it's for your safety and mine!

Well, it is way too hot outside.  Made a sixth batch of raspberry jam.  So two boxes done!  Take it easy if you are outside in the northeast today and for the rest of the weekend.  The Lavender Festival is going to be a hot one and because of the heat, Bonnie and I have decided not to go to the Lavender Festival this year!  Hopefully next year it will be better!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Well, I've had wasp in the carport but thank goodness never in the trunk! ;)
    BTW, I just want to sit on your bench (in your header) and smell the herbs!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Dorothy! The bench is a bit scorching at the moment! Have a great weekend as well. Nancy

  3. Worked outside for bit this morning...hauling five gallon buckets of water around to flower bed that the hose won't reach to...that is until I buy more hose :0) I had wasp in the little wagon I haul with the riding lawn mower. I just but the water hose on jet stream and blasted them from a distance.Call me chicken but I got two under my shirt a couple of summers ago and those buggers sting more than once! I actually yanked my shirt off in the front yard!!! Much to hubby's dismay! LOL!

  4. It's supposed to hit 103 in northern VA today. Ugh! I've never heard of wasps building a nest in a car. That's a new one! I'm glad no one was stung. Stay cool. :o)

  5. I wonder where the wasps went. What a strange place for them to build their nest.

  6. It was a very interesting afternoon ladies. Thanks for sharing your stories with me. Carol, I sat on one one year! It was not happy! Thanks everyone for stopping by. Hope you all have a great weekend. xxoo Nancy

  7. Too bad about the Lavender Festival. I've had bees and wasps in the car and it can be quite dangerous. So glad you were able to get rid of them. Have a good weekend.

  8. Horrible! Yet I can't help admiring the nest, it is quite something. Just not in a car.

  9. Yes, I was looking forward to it, Kay. Maybe next year.

    Tracey, it is quite the engineering marvel and they defend it to the end!

    Thanks for stopping by ladies.
    xxoo Nancy


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