
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chateau Val-Joanis, Pertuis, France, Part One

Very Modern Winery

Grapes to Make Wine

The Garden was Given The "Remarkable" Award in 2005

Part of the Potager

A Bit of Whimsy
There are Birdhouses Everywhere in the Gardens

A Hedge of French Tarragon and Lavender
Espaliered Apples

Tepees for the Tomatoes

Even the lettuces are Beautifully Displayed
This garden was discovered as I thumbed through a book called The Gardens of Provence and the Cote d'Azur by Marie-Francoise Valery.

When I found out last year we were going to the south of France, I immediately pulled out this book and began search for gardens we might be able to see.  The Herbal Husband tends to pack our time so I had to convince him that this garden was special.  I think once we were there, he was definitely impressed and was very eager to visit.  There also was a French news magazine there filming and we were asked to walk back and forth in the garden.  I thought for a minute the director said "work".  I thought he was kidding and he was, it was walk not work!  So in February this year, we were on French TV, I think.  I need to see if we can see it anywhere.  The garden was conceived by Cecile Chancel in 1978 and with the advice of garden landscaper, Tobie Loup de Viane, she created three terraces, the potager with vegetables, herbs and flowers,  the second terrace for flowers and the third terrace for ornamental grasses, trees and flowers.  It used stones salvaged from a Roman pool in an area protected from the Mistral wind.  It is a remarkable garden.  As you can see this is Part One, so Part Two is on the way.  It is like a furnace outside.  The Herbal Husband soldiers through and I'm like a wilted lily!  Hope you had a great day.  Talk to you soon.


  1. That looks like a beautiful garden! I would love to see a true potager one day. Everything looks so manicured. We are only in the high 70's today. Have a great one.
    Blessings, Kay

  2. Kay, you lucky girl, temperature wise that is! You'll get to a great potager some day! Thanks for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  3. Beautiful shots!!! Every time I open your blog and see your beautiful header with the rain...I just sigh and say "I remember rain" :0)

  4. It all looks so pretty, and so neat!

  5. Well, Carol. I'll briefly have a dry garden today and then it's back to rain.

    Yes, I sometimes think I would like this kind of garden, Tracey and then I come home and I'm happy with a bit of chaos!

    Thanks as always for stopping by ladies.

  6. I really love what you do, congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing with us this article.


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