
Friday, July 6, 2012

My Mountain Mint, Different From Yours, An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener

One of my favorite blogs, An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener was showing us what's blooming in New Jersey at the moment.  Of course, his mountain mint is blooming and looks entirely different from mine.  Just wanted to show mine to you.  It is called a short-toothed mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum).  It is definitely going to bloom shortly, but it has a very subtle bloom.  It attracts all kinds of beneficials.  Tracey from Breathing English Air remarked on the size of this mint.  I didn't mention that this particular mint is more ornamental than culinary, I think.  Please correct me if you have used this kind of mint in a recipe.  This mint dries very well for arrangements or for potpourri.  I will add a closeup of the "flowers" once they start blooming.

I spent two hours this morning picking raspberries and making jam.  It is going to be may be 100 degrees today.  We don't reach that milestone at all in the 'Burgh!  I'm hoping the forecasters are incorrect and that we will only be in the 90's.  Relief is on the horizon.  Will be back in the 80's early next week.  Have a couple of days in the 90's left.  We have been a bit cranky having to water.  You know who basically is the cranky one.  I'm going to pick through the berries I picked this morning for another batch of jam.  Stay cool wherever you may be doing and if it is cool where you are, be thankful!  Talk to you later.  


  1. I have the same mint you do. Mine is already blooming and the pollinators love it. I also have a thin leafed variety that has been a bit slower to establish. :o) 106 for us tomorrow.

    1. My mint didn't bloom this year. I don't know what to for them. I just moved into this house last fall. Any suggestions

    2. Hi Unknown, If you have mountain mint which is not in the mint family, here is an article from that may help you.
      If you are talking about a mint like peppermint or spearmint, they need full sun and they need water as well. Not knowing where you reside and what your conditions might be, it is difficult for me to diagnose your issue fully. Hope this helps and please keep asking questions if you need to.

  2. We are finally having summer here and the sun has been out for three days in a row! The temps are in the low 80's and we are all in heaven.
    I am amazed at how many jars of jam you've made. Every time you post it seems you are making more. I just love it. Good for you.
    Well, I hope it didn't make it to 100 degrees and I hope you have a great weekend.

  3. I just love this particular mountain mint, because it is so fragrant and the flowers aren't too showy. Didn't get to 100! 97 I think. Maybe 98 tomorrow and then the relief comes, CM.

    Yes, Kay, you have the opposite usually not enough heat. This has been an extraordinary year for early raspberries and I have more to pick tomorrow! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. How unreal you are getting those temperatures that far north!! Incredible! How did your jam come out? I finally found some raspberry plants last fall that will grow this far south!! I can't wait until they start producing!! Hope you share your recipe xox ~ Pammy

  5. Your mint looks good, puts my small plants to shame! I hope it doesn't get too hot for you.

  6. Yes, Pammy, I think global warming is here to stay! Well, my jam came out very good. I did a post about making jam very early in this blog, but for you, I'll do an update. It is a very easy recipe. xxoo Nancy

    It is not a typical mint Tracey and I don't think it is used as a culinary herb, but may be someone will correct me. I use it in dried arrangements. I will update my post with that info. It is sweltering at Noon. 90 degrees! xxoo Nancy

  7. IT WAS 107 HERE TODAY :O( We need rain so bad !!! I think my chocolate mint has expired from the heat and drought...hopefully we sill get the rain they say we are next week.

  8. Yikes, Anon. I hope we all get rain again. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Don't know why my post showed as anonymous before,,,,I probably hit the wrong button or two :0(

    IT WAS 107 HERE TODAY :O( We need rain so bad !!! I think my chocolate mint has expired from the heat and drought...hopefully we sill get the rain they say we are next week.

  10. Oh, sorry, Carol! We are down in the rain gauge as well. The Herbal Husband keeps on getting out there with the hose! Hopefully, we will all get some relief both from the heat 107! and rain! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady