
Sunday, July 22, 2012

One Batch Down and a Bunch To Go!

This is my first batch of Cinnamon Basil Jelly for this season.  If you use the link to the left for the recipe, the one thing I see on Renee's Garden website is that you use 2 cups of packed herbs.  In her recipe book, she calls for 1-1/2 cups packed.  I think 1-1/2 cups is enough.  It has worked for me for 20 plus years of making this recipe.  This color purely comes from the basil.  I just love it.  I have one plant of lemon basil so I'm not sure that I will get much in the way of lemon basil jelly this season.  I have a lot of sweet basil and I will be making my Spicy Basil Apple Jelly a bunch.  It was a big hit last year in its first appearance.  I got to try it on the 4th of July and I must say it was pretty good.  Once it is made again, I will share the recipe with you.  Of course, I didn't write it down so I'll have to come up with the right combo and I promise I will share!  Here is a link for a basil post I did last year called B is for Basil or it could be O Too! which will give you some extras, my favorite book by Susan Belsinger and Tom DeBaggio about basil and my favorite pesto recipe.  Jim Long, another favorite herbal author just did a post on basil with some terrific suggestions as usual.  Here is that link called Five Exciting Ways to Use Basil.  We are back to the ickys and stickies!  Hope you had a great day.  We did and the bonus was I was in the air conditioning!  I'll be thinking of ways to be inside if the humidity continues!  Talk to you later.


  1. Cinnamon Basil Jelly sounds delicious!!! I love the Spicy Basil Apple jelly you made last year. It was so yummy on toasted bagels and English muffins :0)

  2. My basil is hopeless this year, but I will definitely keep this in mind for future crops.

  3. Oh that cinnamon basil jelly sounds delicious! I've never made jelly.

    I have some sweet basil growing right now and love the scent when I brush past it in the gardens.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hopefully, I will be making more Spicy Basil Apple Jelly this season, Carol. I tried to early and then earlier this month and I really enjoyed it as well. Sometimes I don't get to try what I make!

    Oh, Tracey, I feel your pain basil wise. There have been lots of years when I think why am I growing this plant! Hopefully next year it will grow better.

    You do so many other things well, FL. It is fun to make though. I haven't bought a jar of Smucker's in a very long time.

    BHN, are you playing hookey from your reunion and family!

    Thanks for stopping by ladies. It always makes my day! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady