
Monday, July 30, 2012

Reclaiming A Path or Two!

This is Supposed to be a Maintenance Path!
Now That's Better!
This is the Last Piece of the Puzzle!
We were gone so much of last season that the garden had really overgrown itself.  The other day after the rain stopped we got in there and with some teamwork, we got the first part cut back and tied back so that we can actually reclaim the maintenance path.  We still have to get the last part done, but we just have to do it together.  Really when we have a common goal, anything can be accomplished!  Hope you had a great day.  We finally got to mow and I made some arugula pesto.  Always something to do this time of the year.  Talk to you later.   P.S. This is my 1,100 post!  I'm coming up on an anniversary next week.  So stay tuned a giveaway is coming!


  1. I'll bet the pesto was delicious. (I had to look it up, we call it rocket, lol).

  2. Love the path. Sure wish we would get some rain. Now we have the yellow bugs with black spots on them (size of ladybugs).

  3. My 'maintenance paths' look a lot like your first photo! When we get home from our vacation, there will be lots of "clearing'to do!!

  4. I forgot I'm a multi-nation blogger! Rocket it is in the UK, Tracey! Jekka wouldn't be happy with me!

    We're supposed to get hot again Peggy! Ugh! Hate the heat!

    What you have to look forward to BHN! It is sorta of fun to get it back in shape.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady