
Monday, August 27, 2012

Grapes Everywhere!

Our grapes have ripened.  Again, a bit early!  On Saturday we made grape juice and yesterday I made 53 glasses of grape jelly!  It was a long day and just as I thought I was done, I found one more container and had to make one more batch.  I have found over the years that trying to keep the juice passed one day doesn't work.  The juice crystalizes and becomes grainy.  I leave you now with a photo of one of my jelly jars.  It is my favorite of all of the jelly I make.  I have more grapes coming.  So there will be more jelly to make!  The stink bug has started to attack the same lemon verbena it did last year! Agh!  More on this later!
We are off to the movies later.  Don't know what we are seeing.  Is that blind faith or what?  Talk to you later.


  1. That sounds like a lot of hard work, but I am sure the end results are worth it.

  2. It is a lot of work, but the results are delicious Tracey!

  3. The jelly looks beautiful. I wish I had room for grapes. Enjoy!

  4. Oh, grape jelly is my favorite that I make. Just like growing up with Welch's! Thanks for stopping by, Barbara!

  5. Oh you could send a jar my way! Love grape jelly!

  6. Those grapes look so pretty just hanging there. :) How nice to have them on hand to make jelly. :)


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Lemon Verbena Lady