
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Thought This Was Going to the Compost!

2009 Bay Was the Herb of the Year!

Last Year Looking Like It Was on the Way Out!

Look At All of These New Shoots!
This poor tortured bay tree.  We have one that is in its 20's and going strong.  Then there is this one that has had scale every year and we have cleaned every leaf and moved it outside to do its thing.  We didn't get it out as soon as I would have like this year.  It is making a big comeback at the moment.  Saving its leaves from being composted!  Just like that fig we planted in the ground earlier!  It is getting it together!  I will leave you with a post I did on the bay laurel from 2009 when it was the herb of the year.  Bay is a wonderful plant to grow, really it is!  Cooler weather.  Fall weather before fall.  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later.


  1. It looks like it is enjoying being outdoors!

  2. It definitely looks happier this year. My bay looks healthy but it hasn't grown an inch this year :0( Might have to give it a good dose of compost tea.

  3. I love my bay tree! He summers with the other herbs, in his pot, then comes indoors with us for the winter. When he gets too big, I do a heavy pruning and give everyone I know bay leaves. He loos like a short stout shrub, not a tree. Happy cool day!

  4. It is much happier outside and that is a great idea, Carol about the compost tea and the heavy pruning, BHN. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. It looks much happier. I put my "bush" outside during the good months. I think I will have to repot it this year.

  6. Always exciting to get it big enough to repot, Peggy. Good for you! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady