
Monday, October 15, 2012

A Peruvian Chard Pie!

This was a joint creation by The Herbal Husband and me.  He grew and picked the Peruvian chard and made the filling from an old recipe that a friend of his mother's made for the family in the 50's.  Some days we are just stuck there in the 50's.  I bought the puff pastry and formed the bottom and top crust.  Hey, I contributed the foundation!  This was a different kind of pie because there were several eggs dropped at the last minute on top of the filling before the top crust was placed.  I will get you a translation of the recipe when it is done.
You can see the egg hanging out of my piece of the pie.  It was hard boiled, but sunny side up.  It is a very nontraditional chard pie.  Maybe more typically Peruvian.  Hey, anything made with puff pastry is a winner in my book.  I just can't have a huge piece of it.  Semi-beautiful fall day here.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh my gosh that looks so good. I love Kale, this will go on my to make list!

    See you soon,

  2. I got to get a translation for you, Carla! Thanks for stopping by! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady