
Monday, October 22, 2012

Let's Just Say A Road Trip Not Quite Around the Corner!

I guess you could say that I'm following Sharon Lovejoy around.  Not stalking.  I love my Sharon.  She is the best and she has an adorable bird book out.  She and Jeff are on this crazy book tour thing.  She was at the Books by the Banks festival in Cincinnati on Saturday.  A symphony of children!  That's the nice way to put it.  And I thought I'll put The Herbal Husband on a plane to Tampa on Thursday and off Bonnie (my herbal companion) and I will go on Friday and catch up with Sharon and her phone man, Jeff.  You can read Sharon's version in her post called Drinking from Johnny Appleseed's Spring.  You should read the entire post, but if you just want to cut to the good part, scroll down to the bottom of the post and you will see what I brought to share with our friends.  I pinch myself to be able to say that I know Sharon Lovejoy and Jeff Prostovich and they are friends of mine.  We shared a meal together at Via Vite.  Couldn't hear everything that was said between the packed restaurant and the background music.  I think we had a great time.  Safe journey to my Sharon and her Jeff.  Bonnie and I send our love across the country for your safe return to California.  I'll share the herb gardens tomorrow, because you know we visited some.  BTW, beautiful Indian summer weather here in the 'Burgh.  Lulls one into a false sense that summer will continue for awhile longer.  Not so.  Will plunge back to reality next week I hear.  Talk to you later. 


  1. I loved seeing the photo of you in Sharon's blog. You both are such distinguished ladies.

    Enjoy your autumn weather.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL! I'm not sure distinguished is the proper word, but I'll graciously accept your interpretation! All I know is we had a great time! It's so warm, but we are going to cool down over the weekend! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady