
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Forty Degree Temperature Drop!

Well, yesterday we were at 70 degrees and today in the 30's!  Ridiculous!  I wanted to show you what's going on in the garden.  Still a bit green but the flowers are pretty much gone for the season.  I usually can get a small bouquet for the table at Thanksgiving.  I think it might be all herbs this year.  No flowers.  I'm going to start working inside.  I need to make a few holiday ornaments and hopefully, you will see something you can do before the holidays start.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Goodness, that must have come as a shock!

  2. Yes, Tracey it was completely the opposite one day to the next! It is getting to be winter so 70 is a little too warm! Do like my colder weather. Thanks for stopping by. xxoo

  3. This weather has been very crazy. We even had a few flurries today.

  4. Didn't have snow yet, Peggy. I guess it is just a matter of time! Thanks for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  5. I'm in a huge rush to get my garden mulched before it gets too cold and any new transplants start to heave. I think you're a bit colder than I am outside of DC. I'm looking forward to putting my garden to bed and settling in with some mashed potatoes and gravy next week! :o)

  6. That is a drastic change! Hard for the body to adjust to such fluctuations but it definitely gets one in the mood for the holidays!

  7. You seem to get more snow these days, CM. Oh, mashed potatoes and gravy! A definite favorite food group of mine!

    Yes, Karin, just hope we get a bit of snow to go along with the holidays this year! Pretty green last year!

    Thanks for stopping by both of you. xxoo Nancy

  8. We've been haveing those ups an down here too. Hoping to get everything outside done in the next 2 days.

  9. Yes, Carol, it is just amazing to be in shorts one second and sweats another! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady