
Monday, November 19, 2012

And The Winners Are!

Our Magic Cheese Making Baskets for Name Selections!

TAYLORSOUTBACK won the bird book!

BLUKATS won the t-shirt!
As The Herbal Husband was coming up the stairs from feeding our birds, he announced "Here comes the designator!"  You know I can't make this up!  Congratulations to my winners, Taylorsoutback and Blukats!  Please e-mail me your addresses and we will get the items in the mail and hopefully you will have them over the weekend!


  1. Oh boy! This is so cool!!! my 4 little neighbors will enjoy this so much - it is just perfect for them. Will get a photo when they receive it & send it too you!

  2. Thanks to everyone who commented. So glad you won, TO! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady