
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Really Cold Here!

Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow.  It is mostly gone already, but it is COLD!  Hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend.  Talk to you later.


  1. Lovely photos of the garden with a sugar coating of snow on it! Winter gardens have their own unique beauty and you captured it!

  2. Cold and snowy here too Dear LVL! Your package has arrived & I hope to connect up with those 4 adorable kids on Tuesday. Will keep you posted. they will be so tickled to see those jars of jam as much as I was to receive some also. The colors are so beautiful. They are sitting on my counter in anticipation of holiday use. Will be back in touch with you soon - your thoughtfulness is so touching.

  3. Thanks Barbara! My camera is sometimes wonky! Hope your Thanksgiving was great. xxoo Nancy

    Hey TO, So glad the package arrived safely. Will look forward to hearing the update. Enjoy! xxoo Nancy

  4. We had a dusting of snow over the weekend. It's cold, but the sun is out now.

  5. I'm still shivering here, Peggy! Thanks for stopping by! xxoo Nancy

  6. we are having the strangest weather.. warm one week, cold one week, now 60's in the forecast again. crazy! xxxx


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Lemon Verbena Lady