
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tansy, Lemon Balm and Mountain Mint on The High Line in NYC!

Lots of bench space to Enjoy the Views

This Apt. Owner has Fun with The View!

Some Really Great Artwork on the Side of Buildings

Lots of Unusual Vistas

An Attractive Wooden Fence

Tansy in Bloom

Lemon Balm is Always Available

More Seating Areas in Amongst the Buildings

You Wouldn't Know You Were in NYC Here

A Stand of Mountain Mint

Some Vertical Vining to Disguise the View

An Important View-The Statue of Liberty Off in the Distance
The High-Line was built in the 1930's to take the freight trains off the streets of Manhattan's industrial district.  Trains stopped running in 1980.  Since 1999 it has been saved from demolition by a group of determined community activists.  Today the High-Line organization and the City of New York work to keep it a public park space in the city.  Of course, you would figure that I would find the herbs in among the other plants.  It was a bit more brown in color than I expected.  Sometimes though it is about the design and structure that make all the difference.  The link I gave you will give you up to the minute closures of the park, because in extreme weather, it closes for safety reasons.  It is a beautiful day here although still a bit cool, but it is fall!  Have to remind myself.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Makes me want to visit NYC! Have fun!

  2. I think you need to wait until next year, Marcy. A bit chaotic at the moment. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. It is always good to see these little areas of green in the city.

  4. Yes, it is Tracey especially in NYC. Thanks for stopping by.


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Lemon Verbena Lady