
Friday, December 7, 2012

A Longwood Christmas-Daytime Comes to an End!

The Chimes Tower
I Just Liked the Statue of the Woman!
Main Fountain
Peirce-du Pont House
Addition to the Peirce-du Pont House
Decorated Tree in the Atrium
Decorated Staircase
Those Traveling Trunks Are Even Decorated!
A Lovely Basket Filled with Greens!
Another View of the Atrium or Courtyard
A Simple Decoration with Ornaments of Different Sizes
A Portrait of Pierre du Pont
An Afternoon Shared Snack of Pecan Tart and Tea
OK, OK, I'm done with the daytime photos from Longwood.  As you can see we had a very full day and we ended right before it got dark with a bit of afternoon tea and a share Pecan Tart.  We are going to get to the night views tomorrow.  Raining and gloomy here.  Hope you had a great day today.  Talk to you later.


  1. Stunning staircase & love that row of palladium windows

    Your pecan tart must have been heavenly!

  2. It is just a very impressive place, TO. I have been there in every season and I'm always seeing something different. The tart was very good and just enough! xxoo Nancy

  3. Everything is so beautiful. I too like the windows of the additional building. The greens in the basket by the chair look impressive.


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