
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Scented Holiday Basket Giveaway! US Readers Only!

My deepest sympathy goes to the parents of the children lost in today's massacre.  My thoughts and prayers are with the parents and with those families who may have lost a loved one.  It is just heartbreaking.

This is the basket that we enjoyed making at The Village Herb Shop today.  It is a basket jammed with herbal products that will put your house in the holiday spirit.  I'm still not sure what else is going in the box and depending on what size box we send, you may not get a basket at all just the goodies inside and let me tell you from Carol's experience last year, you will want this basket.  Here is A Scented Home of the Holidays Basket with the following items:

A reed diffuser kit with popcorn garland as the scent
Frankincense and Myrrh Room Spray
1 Quart of Jingle Bell Potpourri scented with a Christmas fragrance such as bayberry and cinnamon
Peppermint and Rose All Purpose Cleaner
Simmering Spice Bag with cinnamon and sweet orange essential oils

I'm going to add a couple of entertaining (double entendre there) additions, such as jelly or jam (made by me) and maybe a couple of surprises if they fit.  So pray for a big old box to be sent your way.  This giveaway will end on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 10 AM EST.  Please one entry per US reader.  This will be a short turn around because of the late date.  We will want to get this in the mail to you on Monday.  So if you could also e-mail me your mailing address when you comment on this post, I will get it in the mail to the lucky winner on Monday just as soon as I can and giving me your mailing address early will ensure that the box will get in the Monday's mail.  Selection will be made in the above basket by the fair and square Herbal Husband's pick unless we get hundreds of entries.   P.S. You can comment (not just like) the post on Facebook, but I will need you to e-mail me your address ahead of selection on Monday.  Thanks for your cooperation.

I would also encourage you to buy from smaller businesses like The Village Herb Shop and The Rosemary House and have tea at your local tearooms, like Sweet Remembrances and buy American if at all possible!  It will help the economy grow and provide new jobs.

It is really frosty this morning but we are going to be very mild later today for December which I am NOT complaining about!  Snow to cover the ground on Christmas would be nice.  Asking early and hopefully, Santa will come through!  OK, trust me on this one.  You will want this basket and I will have a real photo of it on this post tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.  P.S. My MEL blog post has photos this morning.  Thanks to the TI team at MEL and my favorite editor, Gina DeBacker!


  1. Wow, whoever wins this give away will have some real treats to enjoy.

    Our weather down here is very warm and humid and today we are having rain, which we needed.

    I'm at work and just had a crying jag talking to one of the shop owners who knew my DH.

    Anyway, thanks for this neat giveaway.

    May you and Herbal Husband have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic new year.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  2. Oh I wish I could meet up with you tomorro! I love that shop and haven't been there in ages. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  3. It would be a wonderful treat to win this prize. I love the Herb Shop in Chagrin Falls and visit it when I am visiting my in-laws, they have so many neat things to look at!

  4. I have always wanted to visit the village herb shop and will live vicariously through you! Since my family no longer lives in Ohio I get there so rarely I have yet to visit. Hope you have a great time and I know everything they do there is top notch! Besides I had to join this because the title was so intriguing. Have fun!

    Marcy Lautanen

  5. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway. My love affair with herbs began many years ago, when we lived in Massachusetts; there were wonderful gardens and shops and I was smitten. Haven't found any since my move to Alabama four months ago, but am on the lookout - and so happy to be able to keep some containers growing through the 'winter!' Thanks again ...

  6. WOW! Another great Holiday give-away! Someone is going to be very very happy :0) What are the odds of winning 2 years in a row?

  7. What a wonderful basket! Would be great to win!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady