
Monday, December 17, 2012

And The Winner Is...

The Cheese Making Basket, The Official Name Picking Basket of Lemon Verbena Lady

The Official Pick from the Basket by The Herbal Husband

Oh, the magic cheese making basket has picked MARCY LAUTANEN-RALEIGH!  I will try to get in touch with you, Marcy, but if you could please e-mail your address and we will package up your basket plus surprises and get it in the mail today.  Yes, I will once again be standing in line at the post office for my loyal readers!  Got to run this errands day.  So I'll talk to you later.  I just wanted to thank everyone who reads my blog and for participating in the giveaway. Congrats to Marcy!  E-mail me with your address!


  1. Congrats to Marcy ~ I know she's going to enjoy her goodies.


  2. Hello dear Nancy,

    We celebrate you and your magical ability to create THE BEST jams and jellies to be found. Even my "particular" grands fight over your creations.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the treats. We treasure them.



  3. I'm sure she will FL!

    Thanks dear Sharon! Glad you and the family enjoy them. As long as I make them, you'll get some. xxoo Nancy

  4. I have been away from my computor for a week traveling, but I wanted to say thank you so much for the scented gifts, they arrived on Friday just before we left and I had so much fun with them over the holiday. I posted a few pictures over on the blog for all to see what was in the final version. Thank you again, I promise to "Pay it Forward!"

  5. Thanks for the post on your blog, Marcy! Lucky guess about the mustard. It is a favorite of mine as well! Enjoy it. xxoo LVL


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady