
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Amazing Day for January!

It still is January, right?  It feels like April or May here. The sun is in and out here, but just an amazing day.  May make it to 60.  The snow has vanished.  I'm not getting too silly, because the cold is coming back tomorrow night.  In the teens by Thursday night!  Short lived shorts weather in January.  Out walking and enjoying the day.  Sorry Bill Murray and Laura Linney, Hyde Park on Hudson was awkward and just a weird script!  Save your money.  Talk to you later.


  1. Enjoy your movie and I'm glad you had a tad of nice weather before the cold hits you again.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. ooo a Bill Murray movie! What's its name? xx

  3. A big hug for you, FL! The movie was a yawner! Unfortunately. Dinner and the company were very good. xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  4. It is called Hyde Park on Hudson, Leslie. I thought the title meant his mother's house on the Hudson was called Hyde Park. The Herbal Husband thought it meant that the King and Queen made a visit to FDR. Hence Hyde Park is English and Hudson for NY where his vacation home was. I let you know who is right. Bill Murray plays FDR and Laura Linley his cousin. They had no chemistry and they were suppose to have something between them. The script was just bad and really you will not have missed anything if you don't get to see it. xxoo LVL

  5. Beware it is coming back! At least the stuff on the ground melts before it comes back which is a small blessing.

  6. It is very warm here and oddly quiet. I guess the calm before the storm! Take care. xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady