
Monday, January 14, 2013

An Herbal Annual Is Alive!

This believe it or not is a German chamomile!  It seeded from the plants I purchased last spring.  It is obviously happy there.  I can hardly believe how well it is doing.  Don't want to say too much more.  I may jinks it.  Hope it hangs in there.  We have a couple months of winter to go at least.  Oh, BTW, The Herbal Husband wanted me to pass along that we came home to a BIG raccoon in the driveway walking into the backyard garden!  Just as long as I don't see it in the daytime. 

Got to see Les Miserables for the second time today.  The Herbal Husband wanted to see Django Unchained.  Not my kind of movie.  If it is possible to love a movie more the second time, I did.  The Bishop in the movie is one of the original Jean Valjeans when we saw the musical in London 22 years ago.  It is not for everyone, but if you enjoy musical theater or movies, you will enjoy it.  Hope you had a great day.  We are back to cold weather considering it was 67 degrees yesterday!  Talk to you later.


  1. I really want to see that movie! I may have to go by myself since Hubs isn't interested. Cold here again too.

  2. It's amazing to see what is still green after all the snow.

  3. Well, if you like musicals, Carol. I think you will like it. It isn't for everyone though.

    I know Peggy. It is just so surprising after the snow melt to find green.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady