
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blue Sky, Very Cold and Oh, She is Still Visiting!

Sparrows in the Tree Waiting to be Fed!

The Morning with Very Cold and Crisp!

Santa's Doe Still Here!
Well, I discovered that the butterfly bushes which mostly have their leaves are being eaten by our visitor from the North Pole.  She was up on our hillside, but as I was doing my exercise she came down to under the grape arbor and was feeding on the butterfly bush!  Never a dull moment!  Well, here is a very blue sky, but a very cold day!  Not at all like we had last winter.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  I have to work on getting down to the basement.

Saw Les Miserables yesterday.  What a tour de force Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are.  I'm not going to bash my Russell Crowe's singing.  It was a visually stunning movie!  Going to see it again because some times the second time, it becomes clearer.  Loved the music and the staging.  I admire the director, Tom Hooper for seeing the vision.  Amazing.  Talk to you later.


  1. We are trending a little warmer this week...all the way up to 43 and next week into the 50s confusing ? Speaking of sparrows ...must remember to fill bird feeders today :0)

  2. Sweet! What a lovely sight in your back yard..She looks surprised, were you when you saw her? Bitter cold in my next of the woods, we started out with sunshine for a little while..brrrr...but much more normal for this kind of year.

  3. Your photos look cold. It is warm and partly cloudy with a breeze down here in s.e. FL. I would love some cooler temps and some rain. It is very dry here, and too warm for January. It could be worse, so I won't complain. It is perfect weather actually.

    Love and hugs to you and HH.
    FlowerLady Lorraine

  4. I've not heard or seen any birds in a few weeks. I've put out some suet and nothing. At the nature center where I work, there are birds a plenty at our feeders. ALthough the other day there was coopers hawk in our neighborhood, maybe they are staying away for awhile until the the coast is was a large bird and we saw him on Christmas morn...but not since.

  5. Yes, we are supposed to get warmer as well, Carol. Good thing! It is very cold at the moment.

    Yes, Faith, I was as surprised to see her as she was me. We had it very good last year. So this year when it is normal, it has been difficult!

    It is cold here, FL. It is supposed to get into the 40's by the end of next week. The January thaw!

    We can always tell when the hawks are around. There is not a bird in sight anywhere!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by! xxoo LVL

  6. Looks like your visitor may be the one to take care of your butterfly bush problem. It has been so cool here so early this year. Yesterday on my way home I heard the weatherman mention the posibility of snow flurries today. So odd for me to hear "snow flurries" mentioned. I am further north but usually get the quantity of cold weather at the end of January up to Valentine's Day. I will take the flurries, though.

  7. Yes, TG, she was just taking little nibbles, but she could definitely help me out! Hope you don't have too much snow. I heard parts of Texas have blizzard conditions! xxoo LVL


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