
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just Had to Have It, Herbally Speaking and Blue Skies!

Purchased at the Local Grocery Store by The Herbal Husband

A Rare Occurrence for a 'Burgh Winter!
Well, The Herbal Husband was dragged to the grocery store yesterday and among the things he purchased was this plant of basil.  A basil plant indoors usually brings the usual suspects bug wise especially white flies.  It was just too enticing for him.  I had made some arugula pesto over the summer and I placed it in the coldest part of the refrigerator and it was still delicious if I do say so myself.  The Herbal Husband chopped the fresh basil on top of his pasta and he was happy. 

The other wonderful part of today is that I got outside to walk around our neighborhood and enjoy this beautiful blue sky.  It is warmish (40+), but it is tempered by a beastly wind!  The bottom is going to drop out tomorrow.  An Arctic cold front is coming.  Much colder this year than last.  England has more snow than we do!  So I hope you are having a wonderful day.  Talk to you later.


  1. I've bought some arugula seeds for the garden this year, you can make pesto with it you say..mmm...I live in Ohio, and today is warm 45but the bottom is going to drop out tomarrow and all next week...
    cozy up.

  2. Yes, it is very good, Faith. I think we are getting the same temps you are in Ohio. Stay warm! xxoo LVL

  3. My husband was complaining to me this afternoon when I brought home three plants given to me at my speaking engagement, I guess I cannot call him the herbal husband...

  4. It was in the lower 60's here today and very sunny. Got out for a bit and soaked up some rays. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold again. The poor p;ants and trees don't know how to behave.

  5. I'm sure the basil smell is wonderful! They say we haven't been this cold in 4 years! Have no idea how much snow we will get from this one as it's lake effect. Stay warm!

  6. That Arctic air arrived during the night here in the northwoods. - oh my goodness it does feel like January. The fragrance of fresh basil is hard to beat - enjoy your newest addition to the kitchen and stay warm

  7. I love the blue sky! We are all shivering here in England with about 6" of snow and more to come. Pretty enough as long as you don't have to travel! Ros x

  8. I guess not, Marcy! I know you will enjoy them and maybe put some in the delicious food you make. He'll be won over!

    I know this weather is so dramatic, Carol. The cold has arrived.

    It does smell wonderful Peggy! It is getting very cold here. Afraid the lemon verbena won't be coming back this year!

    You must be freezing TO. I was thinking of you last night watching the weather and seeing the bands of snow coming across northern WI.

    Can't believe how much snow you have in England Ros!

    Everybody stay warm! xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady