
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Afternoon Tea at The Dorchester, London, England

Exquisite Flower Arrangement in the Dining Area

The Promenade Where We Had Tea!
Smoked Salmon, Egg, Cream Cheese and Cucumber Sandwiches
Jelly with Cream?  I Don't Remember!
A Delicious Raisin Scone or Two
The French Pastries for Dessert!
A Tin of 80th Anniversary Tea!
The Description of the Anniversary Tea!
Well, I can't believe that I haven't blogged about all of our adventures in 2011!  I'm still only in France by my recollections.  Since it is so cold and snowy outside, we'll get back to those adventures and finish out that once in a lifetime trip during our adventures with tea.  I will just jump into the latter stages of our trip when we spent a long weekend in London.  2011 was a very cool and rainy summer for London.

I always make it a priority to go for tea whenever we are there.  We decided on The Dorchester and we took the bus there so we could see the sights along the way.  I always like to get dressed up and you will have to take my word for it.  It was an overcast but not a rainy afternoon.  We got off the bus and the heavens opened up.  We turned the wrong way trying to get to the hotel.  There was a mess of construction and I just got turned around.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it, but by the time we righted ourselves, it was too late.  We looked like two drowned rats.  So much so that when we presented ourselves to the Maitre D, he looked at The Herbal Husband and asked him if he needed to go to the men's room to fix himself!  Poor Herbal Husband!  He was mortified and when he went to the men's room there wasn't a dryer in sight!  He was not a happy camper.  However, the multiple plates of sandwiches did ease the pain and he did enjoy the afternoon tea at The Dorchester and proclaimed it one of the best in London!  It's that multiple sandwich thing!  And of course, scones with clotted cream helped as well.  It was a delicious afternoon.  Oh and we got a tin each of Anniversary Tea.  Very delicious.

Well, we have had little snow clippers each day for several days.  An inch or two of snow not more, but just annoying at best.  This day three years ago, we had almost two feet of snow!  Glad we don't have that in the forecast.  Hope you are enjoying our tea adventures.  Will blog a bit about the European adventures seeing as I just realized that I haven't finished blogging about that!  I do get sidetracked!  I hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Oh please - would love to have you post on it my "Friends Sharing Tea" blog party today! What a great experience and so many wonderful memories!

  2. Oh my gosh, to be insulted like that is hard to take. Glad HH was a good sport about it and enjoyed the tea anyway.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.


  3. Will do, Bernideen!

    He was OK with it, FL! We were really soaking wet and looked a bit ragged around the edges!

    Thanks ladies for your comments. xxoo LVL

  4. Oh Nancy! How awful to get so drenched and then not be able to change immediately! Squishy toes are the worst! At least the rest of the experience was wonderful. What yummy looking tea food! Thanks for sharing your adventures with this armchair traveler! lol! Love and hugs, Leslie xx

  5. What a trip! The desserts!!! Oh my yumminess!! ;)Alyssa

  6. Leslie, the tea and food picked us up and made it bearable! Oh and the armrest came off his chair as well! It was just one of those days! xo

    It was the greatest trip, Alyssa! I love dessert in these sizes! xo

    Thanks ladies for stopping by! xxoo LVL

  7. Oh dear! The armrest fell off! What a day!! xxx

  8. Yes, it got better with food and tea and then the armrest came off at the end. So it was exciting to the end! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady