
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lavender Cupcakes with Earl Grey Icing for Valentine's Day!

I was inspired by the delightful post by my Herbal Sister, Debs Cook, called Herbs for Love.  I found a recipe on Facebook for lavender cupcakes with earl grey icing.  I tried to surprise The Herbal Husband, but he discovered I was making them.   As you can see the lavender cupcakes just came out of the oven.  One got put back in for a bit more time.  OK, had to try it!  Here is the recipe link I used from  I changed it up a bit.  I didn't use the food coloring and they taste just fine without it.  I'm also not going to use the frosting recipe because The Herbal Husband doesn't like heavy frosting and it's too caloric for me.  I also baked them about twice as long as the recipe calls for.  At 13 minutes, they were still underbaked.  So I say start with 13 and work your way up if necessary.  I think I ended up at 20 or 25.  I downsized my minutes, because they were just a touch overdone.  OK final decision on temperature and time.  The Herbal Husband requested a second batch and I baked them at 375 and for 20 minutes and they were perfect.  Cooked all of the way through and not over baked.  I made a cup of lavender earl grey tea and let it cool and I took a couple of teaspoonfuls and beat it into the frozen whipped topping.  Sorry if you like real whipped cream, use it.  Also if you like the frosting idea, go for it. Here is a finished cupcake.  They are delicious.  The whipped cream came out a tad runny, but delicious.


 Well, hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Lovely cupcakes - lavender is so wonderful to cook with!

  2. YUM! And WOW! I'm honoured dearest HS :) Eat one for me, being extra good although I may treat myself to some lavender hot chocolate tomorrow ;)

  3. Now those look very yummy! I love whipped icings♥♥♥

  4. I can practically smell them all the way across the state... divine!

  5. Those sound wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. What a delightful sounding recipe. I made lemon sours with chocolate chips.

    Have a lovely Valentine's day ~ FlowerLady

  7. Sounded like a lot of lavender, Bernideen, but it was just the right amount.

    Well, Debs, I had yours and mine! Very bad, but very delicious. Enjoy that lavender hot chocolate! Sounds decadent!

    They were delicious, Carol and there's more!

    Thanks Rosemary. They did smell very good in the oven.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, Peggy.

    Thanks FL. Those lemon sours minus the chocolate chips sound delish!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. Hope you all have a delightful Valentine's Day! xxoo LVL

  8. Yum yum! Happy Belated Valentine's to you dear friend!! xxxx

  9. Thanks HS. They are delish! Hope you and your hubby had a great Valentine's Day! xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady