
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wild and Crazy in the Back Garden Too!

We Do Like Sunflowers in This House!
Don't Know Exactly Which Variety This May Be!  A Volunteer Maybe!
Yes, Paths Have Narrowed and Plants Have Grown!
Well, we just keep getting rain.  Our gardens are VERY overgrown or growing VERY well.  I will leave the decision up to you.  I used to say it was controlled chaos, but now it's just chaos!  I just took a walk around and it is wild and wacky in the back garden!  Thanks to The Herbal Husband it has some control to it, but not much.  We are supposed to have some days with cooler and DRIER weather.  The plants will like that.  We found we have a leafhopper problem (Thanks Shelley!) and the sparrows are taking care of some of those.  Now it looks like some kind of borer is killing my scented geraniums.  Grr!  Going to move them over to the herb garden and see if that helps.  Sometimes it gets them out of the direct path of the predator.  Will talk about that in a future post.  A very busy season this year in the herb garden.  Enjoy your time in your garden.  Talk to you later. 


  1. We could do with some of that rain here. Your garden is definitely growing well.

  2. I wish I could send some your way, Tracey! We are going to have a dry spell here and I hope we do get to dry out. The bugs are much worse when it is wet! Thanks for stopping by. xo

  3. I love seeing your wild and colorful back garden. I've started pulling vines and weeds from mine while surrounded with butterflies.

    Love and hugs to you both ~ FlowerLady

  4. That sounds so lovely FL! We need to pull some things out of our front area. Thanks for your comments and for stopping by. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady