
Friday, August 2, 2013

Getting To Do What I Want, Herbally Speaking!

Trimming the Lavender!
Harvesting More Nasturtium Flowers!

Controlling the Chives!
Like a Badly Wrapped Christmas Present!
Well, it's the first full day without The Herbal Husband and I've been working in my herb garden most of the day!  I have been clipping back the lavenders, dead parts, dead flowers, etc.  I have been harvesting nasturtium flowers and will be using them in one of my favorite recipes this time of year for Nasturtium Peppercorn Vinegar from my dear herbal friend, Kathleen Gips.  Then there are the chives which have a lot of dead parts and have just flopped over.  So in the spirit of sticks and strings, I sort of divided them and tied them up like Christmas presents.  In doing so, I exposed the lavenders that didn't like such closeness.  When I get a chance, I will cut them down, chop them up, divide the chopped chives into plastic containers or bags and freeze them.  They are great in the middle of winter to use on baked potatoes, in eggs and in soups and stews.  So I'm going to making jelly tomorrow.  Hopefully, three different kinds.  It was a beautiful day in the garden.  Supposed to rain tomorrow.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Talk to you later.   


  1. I love reading about your herbs! Great post.

  2. Thanks Sharon! Hope you are staying cool in VA. xo

  3. My entire Herb garden is totally over grown this year....just haven't had the ambition to keep up with it :( Hopefully before winter gets here I'll get it cleaned up......I know I'll be mad at myself come winter and I have to buy herbal teas.

  4. You've reminded me, I must see to the chives in my garden!

  5. What a nice post, I almost feel like I was right there with you. I can just imagine all the wonderful scents, and I would pick some chives to nibble on too.

    It would be neat to be there helping you make jelly. Something I've never done before.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  6. Well, I'll let you in a little secret Carol. I have dried herbs for tea blends sitting on my work table that I never got to last winter! I'm really behind!

    I'm happy to be your reminder Tracey!

    Oh, thanks FL, it is so wet that I think I will let things dry out another day and do the jelly tomorrow. Hop a flight or maybe I'll come to visit you some day!

    Thanks ladies for your comments and encouragement! xoxo LVL

  7. Oh I wish I could have a bit of luck with harvesting the nasturtiums. I have to start them so early because they don't like our heat. I'm not giving up tho... ;)) xo

  8. I know Pammy when we got into the 90's they didn't like it and I lost a couple of plants. Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady