
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'm Just Always Excited When The Hummingbirds Are in the Garden and Other Gardening Thoughts!

The Hummingbird is just slightly right of center in the photo!
You might have to click on the photo to find our smallest visitor.  The Herbal Husband spotted him and I took the camera outside and just focused on the bee balms.  I was hoping to get him to come a bit further into the herb garden to try out the tangerine sage that is in full bloom!  Maybe next time.  This has been such a wild year in the garden.  Now I think we have a mole or vole beneath the small rectangular garden in my herb garden.  I had a tri-color, a golden and a variegated berggarten sage.  Now the golden sage in the middle is dying.  Gardening is getting so much harder for some reason.  I will let you know if I come up with a solution. 

The Golden Sage in the Middle is Dying!
Well, not a day I usually blog, but lots of activity going on, including a toad on the patio that lives in our retaining wall!  Will try to get a photo of it next time!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Seeing a hummingbird always makes me feel happy too.

    Your herb garden looks so pretty and I bet the tangerine sage is wonderful.

    Enjoy your week.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Well, FL, haven't seen too many hummingbirds this season. Thanks for all of your kind comments. xo

  3. I love the hummingbirds too-they can be so mezmorizing to watch

  4. I have hummingbird envy!

  5. Yes kathyinozarks, they are very special birds.

    Thanks Tracey! They have been very elusive to see this year!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady