
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wrecked a Batch of Nasturtium Jelly!

I Understand How It Feels to Wreck a Batch of Jelly!
Had to Do a Redo!
Some of you think I'm a whiz at making jelly and for the most part, I am pretty good.  On Saturday though, I had a mental lapse.  Just when I added the Certo and was going to boil it for that minute exactly, I turned the heat off and the Certo didn't forgive my mistake.  As I was trying to come with something that would save the jelly, it just kept getting worse and worse.  So I feel your pain when you say that you don't enjoy making jelly.  I had three jars of a grainy mess.  I actually skimmed off a whole jar hoping that it would make it work!  Ha!  Well, on Sunday after having a brief discussion with The Herbal Husband.  He always thinks it will fix itself.  He allowed a redo.  He could see the difference between the good and the grainy jelly.  He said you need to make it again and concentrate this time!  So back to the stove and it turned out well the second time around.  So when you are having a bad day making jelly, just remember that someone who has made hundreds of jars knows how you feel.  Keep trying, you'll get the hang of it.  I promise! 

We are having a beautiful string of days.  Blue skies and warm temperatures.  We worked out in the front garden that had just gone wild!  Need to work on the front gate.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later. 


  1. do hope you composted the bad batch of jelly - as the microbes in the soil would love the sugar and other items.

  2. When you say a redo, do you mean start from scratch again?

    We do not live in a perfect world so things are bound to go wrong.

    I'm glad your jelly turned out good the next time. It is very pretty.

    Love and hugs to you and HH ~ Have a good day and a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. I didn't Mimi only because we have a big raccoon that I'm trying to limit what he/she destroys and they tend to tear up our pile if they smell something they want.

    Yes, FL. It was dumped and I started over again. I just don't have that happen very much! You have a great weekend as well. I think you are getting a lot of rain? Hope you dry out soon! xo

  4. Sometimes yea just gotta start again. But the joy of getting a perfectly clear jelly is soo worth it.
    I'm looking forward to making my first ever nasturtium jelly - you have inspired me.
    Love Leanne

  5. You just got to do what you've got to do, Leanne! I do just love the look and taste of jelly. Nothing like it. Thanks for stopping by. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady