
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Guest Blogging for Mother Earth Living!

Getting the Bird Ready for the Oven!
I always enjoy the smells of food cooking around the holidays, especially our Thanksgiving turkey.  I went to college near a Nabisco plant and you can imagine my aromatherapy sensors went into high gear when smelling those chocolate cookies with the creamy centers baking.  It was heaven!

My guest blog posts this month for Mother Earth Living give you some ideas to relieve the stress of your holidays with some easy aromatherapy crafts.  The post is called Aromatherapy Crafts for the Holidays, Part 1 and gives you recipes for both a bath bag and a simmering spice potpourri recipe.  Hope you enjoy those ideas.  Also, it gives you links for my favorite recipes for Thanksgiving from earlier posts.  They posted Part 2 tonight as well.  It is called Aromatherapy Crafts for the Holidays, Part 2 which will give you the potpourri recipe that was pictured in an earlier post.  I think it will relieve your stress during the holiday season which seems to be here quicker than ever.  Probably because I'm getting older!   What I should have added to the instructions for the potpourri is this.  You should put it in a glass jar or container and put in the essential oil and fixative and let it cure for about six weeks.  Once you like the fragrance, you could then portion it out to give as gifts or just keep it in the containers and open them to have them fragrance the air as necessary. 

Very cold here.  Dodged the old snow bullet once again.  I know other parts of the country are getting the brunt of this storm.  The Herbal Husband and I hope you have a safe and grateful Thanksgiving!  Talk to you later.


  1. I'll check out the link.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks Susanne! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! xo

  3. The citrus potpourri sounds heavenly. I will give that a try.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Nancy.

  4. You can make that recipe and give it as hostess gifts when you go to a holiday party. Glad you liked it! Thanks Tracey for stopping by! xo

  5. The potpourri recipe is one I will be making this year to tuck into little gift baskets for friends that stop by to visit. You always have the best ideas!

  6. Thanks Carla for your kind words. Hope they turn out well. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady