
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Just Crazy Wonderful, Herbally Speaking!

The Pineapple Sage Was Laying on the Bench Encased in Snow!
Look At It Now!
It's Still Blooming!
Well, you know I am sometimes too lazy for my own good, but hey in this case, it worked!  I always need a break from the garden.  So I said last night, I'm not going to worry about the pineapple sages.  I have two boxes of jelly.  I'm good.  Here is a link for a marathon of jelly recipes including the pineapple sage jelly.  The pineapple sages defied everything although the one by St. Fiacre is not doing as well as the one by the patio which is still blooming!  It's just crazy wonderful, herbally speaking!  Well, after an exhausting morning getting plants watered and not having an accident (between you and me) and getting outside to check on the plants and getting snow off, I'm just going to relax and get a few things done on the computer.

I'm going to try and post something on the weekdays while The Herbal Husband is gone.  It will just give us a bit of a diary of what happened while he is in Peru.  I was very excited this morning to have a red bellied woodpecker stop by for the peanut frenzy!  His or her call is like a dog barking.  Fun!  We had 2.4 inches officially at the airport.  A record for November 12th!  Stop with those kinds of records, pleeese!  There is a beautiful blue sky, but about 15 degrees colder than yesterday.  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. Way too early for records to be broken! I keep ignoring my Chocolate mint makes me feel guilty when I walk by it on the way to my car in the mornings. I know that I should harvest it soon or it will be too late....

  2. My pineapple sage didn't do much this year. Didn't even bloom. I made some teas with the leaves and potted some up to bring in the house for the winter. Yours are phenomenal! You make a pineapple sage jelly? Would love to know more about it!

  3. Yes, I would agree Carol. We have another cold day tomorrow and then it's going to warm up again. So maybe the pineapple sage will hang in there! xo

    Hi Aisling, I hope you have more success than we have had with ours. Last year's pineapple sage after being inside and getting through the winter, didn't do much in the garden. I will add a link for my recipe for pineapple sage jelly to the post. xo

  4. I sure hope my bounces back after tonights frost. What I left of it anyhow. Then we get back into the 80's the rest of the typical lol xo

  5. I think mine is toast, Pammy! We'll be in the 60's! xo

  6. Thank you for the link to the jelly! If I can just have my pineapple sage in a few more cups of herbal tea, I will be happy and will start new plants for next year's garden. Yours were just amazing. Mine stayed petite all summer long, though I have had more vigorous plants in the past.

  7. You're very welcome, Aisling! Hope your pineapple sages are big and beautiful next season! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady