
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Magazines for Holiday Giving!

Mother Earth Living and Tea Time
Herb Quarterly and The Essential Herbal
I have talked about giving magazines over the years for the holidays.  I think it is a great last minute gift, because some of these choices have a digital copy now.  Mother Earth Living has a particularly great holiday issue out at the moment with DIY projects with herbs.  Tea Time magazine has a lot of great recipes and travel information for tea lovers.  You can pick it up on newsstands or get a digital link with a paid subscription.  I think Herb Quarterly is the only one that doesn't have a digital copy at the moment, but it is the oldest of all herb magazine in the U.S.  The Essential Herbal has both a paper and digital copy and is from a fellow Pennsylvanian.  It is an herb magazine for and by herb lovers.

The days are just flying by now.  It's two weeks until Christmas!  Can't believe it!  Going early up to the Village Herb Shop because of Saturday's forecast.  So I'll be telling you about the giveaway in the coming days.  Please stay tuned.

Very cold here.  Crunches when you walk!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be.  Talk to you soon.


  1. Magazines are my favorite gift to receive. They are such a beautiful luxury.
    Happy Holiday, Dottie

  2. Oh, I love my magazines, Dottie! Happy holidays to you! xo

  3. Many of my favorites. Wish I had a better attention span to sit and read them.Still crunchy here. :/

  4. I have the same problem, TG! It is very crunchy for us! Hope you thaw out soon! Those sheets of ice on TV look awful! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady