
Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Love Affair with Chai!

You may have seen this photo before.  It's my cup of chai that I have gotten hooked on over the years.  Chai is the word for tea in many parts of the world.  Yesterday I went up to The Village Herb Shop and made a tea tasting party gift basket for you to win.  I started thinking about how I got enthralled with chai.  It all started when I met The Herbal Husband 30 years ago.  I lived in a small town called Oakmont back then.  There was the movie theater called The Oaks.  In those days it was owned by an Indian couple.  Being from a small town and living in a small town, you don't necessarily think about the whole world.  At least I didn't.  The Herbal Husband because he is Peruvian opened my eyes to the whole world.

So on cold winter nights when we would go to the movies at The Oaks, I discovered chai made by the owner's wife.  I never got her recipe and they sold the movie many years ago.  It was wonderful.  It was spicy, milky and sugary.  Delish!  I had milk in tea in England when I was a young girl so it brought me back to visiting England for me.  Since then I have had lots of chai.  Some great and some not so great.  The K cup chai is not so good!  Besides the chai recipe I got yesterday, I have wanted to try some chai choices from Mother Earth Living.  So in the coming days, I'm going to try some of these chai recipes that I have collected and let you know how they are and share the recipes if they are good.  Recently I have been drinking  The Rosemary House's chai called Rosemary's Chai.  You need to call to order it.  It has a smooth spiciness to it.  It is one of my favorites.  I also love Fortnum & Mason's chai as well.

We have large wet snowflakes coming down.  The snow didn't start as early as they thought, but it did arrive and we have a couple of inches at least on the ground.  So I hope you have a cup of tea or coffee if it is cold where you are.  Hope you are having a great day.  Just took a lemon verbena bread out of the oven.  Less likely to eat it all unlike the cookies!  Lemon verbena cookies are a dangerous food group!


  1. We got 9 inches of wet heavy snow last night....after a couple of hours of freezing rain first :( So we are going no where today...sorry work :) The Chia looks yum and as soon as I finish off the ginger ale I open a couple of minutes ago I think I'll have another cup of tea :)

  2. We started out with the very fine stuff later than predicted this morning and now we have the heavy messy snow that I guess you had, Carol! Have a sip of ginger ale for me! Can't have it any more! Tea for me is just so soothing! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  3. Looking forward to your chai suggestions!

  4. I'm so happy to find your blog. I just started an actual herb garden this past year. You are also in my area in SW PA. Thanks for blogging, I'll be back to check what's going on.

  5. I'm not as fond of Chai but do love all kinds of teas. My favorite is Constant Comment with a bit of green tea added. It is sunny here in Dallas, TX today and will warm up more. We had a siege of ice and sleet last week. So glad that was over but we may get another blast or two. I drink tea year 'round both hot and iced. And of course enjoy your writing about anything. Thanks for doing that! Regards, Jeanette at

  6. I don't like Chai but do love all kinds of tea, especially Constant Comment and Green Teas. The whole history of tea is fascinating. I so enjoy your writing, Nancy. Keep it up and thanks for your friendship. Regards, Jeanette in Dallas,TX

  7. Just hope I remember, Julie! Just kidding!

    Hi Janice, I'm glad you found me too! Always here to answer your questions.

    Hi Jeanette, Always happy to have you stop by. I'm a Constant Comment lover as well and green. Hopefully, I'll be talking about all about tea in the next couple of months!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by! xo

  8. I like chai tea. I look forward to learning what you think of the recipes you will be trying.

  9. Thanks Susanne! I'm looking forward to trying them too! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady