
Monday, February 10, 2014

Frozen in Time!

Sorry I haven't been much of a blogger lately.  Could give you the excuses, cold, snowy and icy.  This was the garden the other day before we got more snow!  Yes, Peggy R, I am getting sick of snow!  Want to make more tea bags because I'm going through them like crazy.  So hopefully I will carve out a little time to give you more tea recipes.  We don't get blue sky often in the winter.  So here is the herb garden in the bright sunshine!  Hope you are stay warm and cozy wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Nancy, this winter has been so brutal for so many. I worry about us here in CA too because the lack of rain these last few months will be detrimental to our states produce production. This week we will be 80 degrees! I don't remember a February with temperatures that high.

  2. Good to see your post pop up - was wondering if you had been without power like so many in PA. I am with you - winter has about worn out her welcome in our neck of the woods...every night - 23 below, 20 below, 25 below - endless. Today we warmed up to 3 ....hate to think how our local greenhouses are doing...sure everything will reflect the high heating costs come Spring.

    Stay warm and enjoy that blue sky

  3. Dear LVL ~ I can only imagine how sick of the snow you must be. That is a lovely picture though of your snow covered gardens with the bright blue sky.

    Hang in there ~ spring IS coming.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. I think this long and snowy winter has most of us down in the dumps :( I haven't been blogging like I would like to either and I'm not keeping up with my art classes or challenges. I did make up some tea bags today...I've gone through everything I had made up and I thought it would be enough to last until Spring :( Next week is suppose to be warmer here...hoping that things melt and I can use my driveway again.

  5. Well ladies, it has been the winter of extremes and I see it getting better, but it has really dragged me down this year! I would take a bit of 80 degrees right now Carla. Hi TO, we have never lost power yet. The eastern part of the state has really been rocked. Stay warm. Spring is 40 days away! Thanks FL! You have all cheered me up by stopping by! Love you all! xo

  6. I hit that publish button before I commented Carol! I am going through tea bags like crazy too. It is supposed to be warmer here as well! Hope the forecasters are right! xo

  7. I'm getting into my herbs for medicinal uses. Have any wisdom you'd like to share?

  8. Sorry Linda. I don't usually talk about the medicinal side of herbs. The Essential Herbal Magazine is one that may interest you or Herb Quarterly Magazine. They have more articles about the medicinal side. I just don't have the credentials to talk medicinal herbs. I do it only when they have worked for me. Like ginger for my GERD. Maybe some day I will take up that side, but not at the moment. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady