
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Finding Old Friends, Herbally Speaking!

Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' or Catmint Has Walked to Other Places in the Herb Garden!
Levisticum officinale or Lovage
Angelica archangelica or Angelica
I Don't Think My Santolina rosmarifolia or Rosemary Leaf Santolina Made it Through!
Hard to See but I think my 'Linear Leaf' Thyme is Coming Back!
My Thymus serphyum  'Elfin' or 'Elfin' Thyme Looks Good!
Alchemilla mollis or Lady's Mantle is Waking Up!
Even the Rumex sanguineus or Bloody Dock Sorrel is Coming Back!
I was out in the herb garden this afternoon taking stock of what might be alive.  I'm seeing more signs of life than I thought.  Although I think I have lost one of my favorites, the rosemary-leaf santolina.  I guess it didn't like the minus 9 temperature we had.  I think one of the herb categories that took a big hit this winter were my lavenders.  Although I'm hoping that they will come back from the ground and I can prune them all back.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I'm going away for the weekend with my herbal companion, Bonnie.  The Herbal Husband has a list of items to do.  Probably not anything I've given him!  Of course, it is supposed to be very nice here!  I guarantee you will enjoy where we are going.  I promise to blog about our adventures next week.  Have a great weekend.  I'll talk to you later.


  1. It is so nice to see your old friends coming back in to visit with you. I sure hope your lavenders make it, but if not then that just means another shopping excursion to find more. Have a wonderful time with your herbal friend this weekend. I will be planting more tomatoes! LOL.

  2. Hi CJ, I don't think the lavenders made it and it will mean that I have to go and buy more herbs. :) Wow, tomatoes are just a wishful thought! Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady