
Friday, June 20, 2014

An Estate Sale in the 'Hood, Herbally Speaking!

My Treasured Herbal Find!
The Book I Loaned Gerry to Start Her Herbal Adventures!
A couple of weeks ago now, our neighbors Gerry and Jack moved out and an Estate Sale was scheduled for the weekend.  We have never had so many cars on our street at one time.  It was a day to remember.  Fortunately for me, The Herbal Husband got up for the 8 AM opening!  And fortunately he had his herbal antennae on.  He didn't even get into the house.  In the garage was this amazing piece of slate, herbally speaking.   He also picked up some books that I didn't have in my collection.  I have him well-trained! 

When we moved into our house 25 years ago, Gerry and I became friends and I introduced her to the Phyllis Shaudys book in the photo.  Her book was just as worn as this one is.  Herbs are universally loved by millions and I'm just glad that I was able to help Gerry enjoy her herb garden in some small way.  Thank you Phyllis Shaudys (1930-2010) along with the many herb growers and businesses in her books for helping so many people in their herb gardens.  Take care Gerry and Jack! We know you are loving your smaller home!

The rain has stopped in the 'Burgh at the moment.  Some more rain coming this evening into tomorrow and then we may have a dry Sunday!  The garden and weeds are flourishing!  Will talk to you later.


  1. I love the slate sign, it is so you and HH.

    Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  2. It is one of my favorite presents FL! I didn't see it right away and when I did, it gave me the chills in the very best way! I was so thankful that he saw it and bought it before anyone else got it! Hope you have a great weekend! xoxo

  3. Perfect sign for you - so charming!! We are having lovely rain and everything is growing by leaps and bounds.

  4. Thanks TO! I was just so surprised and pleased. Glad The Herbal Husband is an early riser! Glad too you are getting some moisture. Wish our faucet would stop for several days! Take care, TO! xo

  5. Some wonderful finds. : )

  6. Thanks Suzanne! It was a happy and sad day at the same time. Lots of wonderful memories though. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  7. Phyllis asked me to write about some of the more exotic herbs I grew back then for Herbal Treasures. You'll find my article and recipes under Carolee Bean, my name in prior decades. Herbal "finds" are a thrill!

  8. You are such an herbal trailblazer, Carolee. I pulled out my Phyllis book and am going to read your article. Thinking about exotic herbs in the early 90's set you apart in the herb world! Herbal finds are a thrill! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady