
Monday, July 7, 2014

In the Doghouse, Herbally Speaking!

That Pot in the Center of the Photo is the Issue!
Boy, The Herbal Husband is in big trouble with me.  I don't pay attention a lot of the time.  There is just too much going on.  However, the other day when we had the cloud burst and the figs knocked over the tomatoes and we thought things were OK.  They are not!  This lovely one of a kind pot that I got at a deep discount and at an herb farm that went out of business has a CRACK!  It is supposed to be for lavender and it held in various years a 'Goodwin Creek' lavender and other varieties too numerous to name very nicely.  The Herbal Husband thought that a 'Cherokee Purple' tomato would do well too!  It is an indeterminate tomato not a beautiful lavender that mostly behaves!  He promises to fix it, but I'm not sure that it will be sturdy enough to hold another lavender. :(  We will see!

We are finally getting a thunderstorm and rain.  Got the grass cut this morning and picked a bunch of raspberries so I guess my jam making will start soon.  Hope you have had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Ah Oh! My hubs backed into one of my favorite large decorator pots with the riding mower. I know your frustration :( Hopefully yours will still work for your lavender...once the tomato has moved out .

  2. Don't be too hard on the herbal husband, you may need him soon. LOL

  3. Yes, I can feel your pain, sister! I'm just hoping that the tomato comes out easily! xo

    I know Sharon, it is a slippery slope! He does so much for me and then to have this happen right under my nose! They all drive us nuts, don't they? xo

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!

  4. Sorry your one of a kind pot has a crack in it. : ( Hopefully it will be able to be fixed so it's almost as good as new.

  5. Thanks Susanne! Hopefully, it will be OK and back to growing lavenders soon! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady