
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What You Have Missed in the Herb Garden!

My Two Rosemarys in Containers Are Thriving!
This Prostrate Rosemary in My Herb Garden Is Buried by Oregano and Catnip!
Maybe It Doesn't Look Too Much Better!
A Couple of My Chive Plants Have Rebloomed!
The Chives Don't Look Like Too Much of a Mess Either!
I Got Two Bags of Chive Sticks Going for Mulch for the Tomatoes!
My Little Friend Relaxing on the Salad Burnet!
This summer I have been spending a majority of my time in the garden.  It takes two of us to keep things going.  I think because of all of the rain we have had everything is very lush including the weeds!

I was going to do a post called How Much Time Do You Spend in Your Herb Garden?  I decided that was a bit silly at this time of the season!  We are all spending as much time as we can and harvesting as much as we can.  So I just going to catch you up on what is going on in the herb garden.  My rosemarys in containers are both doing very well.  The prostrate rosemary in my herb garden has become buried in a mangle of oregano and lemon catnip.  So I have just cut around it to give it a chance.

I think you get the idea.  I like my herb garden because it is  a small space that I can watch regularly for trimming, harvesting and weeding opportunities.  I'm going to harvest some chives for my containers that I freeze each winter.  I used two whole containers last year.  Just don't get carried away.  I don't like to compost what I have worked so hard to grow and preserve!  Oh, my little friend wasn't eating the salad burnet, but it was moved so it wouldn't be tempted.  On the alert for stink bugs in my lemon verbenas!  Haven't had one yet!  Trying to keep it that way!  Hope you are having a great day in your herb garden!  Cooler than normal July at the moment!  The weather is never boring any more!  Talk to you later.


  1. Your herbs are all looking happy. Herbs do best during our fall/winter down here. Although I do have a potted bay tree, rosemary, fennel and basil.

    It is NOT cool down here at all. Very hot and humid, and the thunder has been rumbling and it looks like we will get more rain. It is almost a daily occurrence these days.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL. Rain is almost a daily occurrence for us as well. Going to get out on the patio and dig out the weeds from between the pavers! Hope the rest of your week goes well! Not too much left! xo

  3. I really love the photo at the top of the page. I think I could sit for hours there reading a book

  4. Thanks Linda! I really do love the garden this year in particular! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady