
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Be Sure You Cut These Blooms or You'll Have Tons, Herbally Speaking!

The Beautiful White Flowers of Garlic Chives!
As we are winding down the summer season here in the 'Burgh, it is a sure sign that August is here because the garlic chives are blooming!  A lot of my herbs are done for the year, borage is just about done.  So is the bee balm.  The mountain mint has started to bloom.  The calendulas continue.  The white star shaped flowers are attracting all sorts of pollinators and can be mesmerizing!  Don't be lured in by their pretty shapes and garlic smell.  As soon as you see their seed heads start to form, cut them off or you will have garlic chives everywhere!  I really had to clamp down on these several years in my herb garden and of course, The Herbal Husband replanted them elsewhere in the garden!  My twist on the old expression, if you can't beat them, join them, but don't let the garlic chives seed!

The gardens are growing by leaps and bounds!  We had three inches of rain in less than two days!  Fortunately didn't have floods like other areas.  Was so sad to hear of the passing of Robin Williams.  I was diagnosed with clinical depression in the 80's and got help.  Not as easy with addiction thrown into the mix.  RIP Robin!  Like someone said online, Make God laugh!  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later.


  1. Last year my garlic bloomed and blew all over my garden before I could snip there heads... I am still pulling garlic sprouts.

  2. Hey Missy, I feel your pain! Been there, done that! So I'm trying to be proactive and help others who may not be aware! Hope you are doing OK! Thinking of you and your family! xoxoxo


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Lemon Verbena Lady