
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Six Years And Counting!

It doesn't seem possible that six years ago today I started my blog.  It all started with reading the sisters (Nancy and Susanna) Reppert's blog, Rosemary's Sampler.  Well, it hasn't been as productive a year as some, but I am still blogging!  I have been lucky enough to guest blog for Herb Companion now Mother Earth Living and occasionally review books for Timber Press.   I want to thank all of you who read what I write. You are why I keep writing! 

I also want to say a very special thank you to The Herbal Husband for all of his help and his garden gifts.  I'm just happy to have really enjoyed my garden this year, diseases, pests and all!  So hopefully I can continue to translate my joy for my herb garden into this blog that I call Lemon Verbena Lady's Herb Garden.  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later!

An Old Sign Finding A New Place in the Garden!


  1. Congratulations! Your herb garden is always lovely to see and inspiring to read about. Most herbs do NOT like hot and humid Florida. Some annuals can be grown during our fall/winter/spring, summer is a bear down here.

    Love and hugs to you both ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL! Hope you are feeling better! So glad we blog together! xo from me and The Herbal Husband

  3. Congratulation on the six years, Nancy. I love stopping by to see what you and the herbal husband are doing. You are so knowledgeable, keep it coming.

  4. Thanks Carla! I just don't get around the blogging world like I used to! Thanks for always coming by and inspiring me! xo

  5. Congratulations on your six year anniversary. Time flies!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady