
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Visit to Indiana County, PA with Piccadilly!

Yarnick's Farm Stand
Lynnette Yarnick Describing How They Grow Produce for Eat 'N Park Restaurants!
Some of the Tomato Vines Are 100 Feet Long!
They Have Some Good Looking Squash and Pumpkins for Decorating!
They Grow Herbs in Stacks Hydroponically!
Romaine Lettuce is Also Grown This Way!
One of Several Covered Bridges in the County Still in Use!
Thee Village Eatinghouse Where We Had An Amish Wedding Feast!
The Drying Shed

A Cat at The Drying Shed Found a Perfect Napping Place!
The Smicksburg Pottery!
Entrance to the Studio and Garden at Smicksburg Pottery!
A Lovely Terraced Garden!
A Beautiful Clump of Nasturtiums!
'Walker's Low' Catmint
Reminds Me I Need to Plant More Annuals-Zinnia Closeup!
Beautiful 'Wooly' Thyme!
I Have Always Killed This Agastache!
Broken Pottery Lines the Driveway!
The Mahoning Creek Pottery by Chance or Appointment or Festival Time!
The Amish Have Made Smicksburg and Surrounding Areas Their Home!
Thought I had better do a post about my visit along with the Piccadilly Herb Club to Indiana County, PA.  I grew up in the county next door and had never been to this part of Indiana County.  Lots to see and do.  Our first stop was to Yarnick's Farm and it was probably one of my favorite stops we made.  They have a lot going on every day in the growing season.  They grow produce for Eat 'N Park restaurants which is a local chain along with produce for their farm stand.  They have a Halloween Boo-Grass and Hog Roast coming up on Sunday, October 12, 2014 featuring the James King Band.  A great family owned business that you should support if you are in the area.

We next went into Smicksburg and had an Amish wedding feast at Thee Village Meetinghouse.  Not a very good blogger, didn't take any photos of what we ate.  Too busy eating!  We then had time to shop.  Patty who described the Amish wedding feast at the restaurant has the shop next door.  Lots of country items and a cat who found its spot for a long afternoon nap.  We then walked across to the Smicksburg Pottery and discovered they not only have beautiful pottery, but a lovely garden near the studio.  I think this was my favorite spot.  Lots of annuals which I always keep telling myself I need to plant and just a lovely space to spend some time.  The owner's husband came out and told us that he has trouble getting his wife to make pots in the springtime because she would rather be in the garden!  Duh! 

The other pottery, The Mahoning Creek Pottery is only open by chance or appointment or during one of several festivals they hold in Smicksburg.  Hopefully Bonnie and I will get back there next year and take The Herbal Husband with us!  We also stopped at the Cheese Shop where they make their own cheeses and the Windgate Winery.  All in all it was a great day.

I'm still picking raspberries and making jam.  Tomorrow's batch will bring my total for the season so far to 120 jars and the raspberries are still producing!  I need to get more sugar because I haven't even done all of the herbal jelly yet!  Our weather is going to change by the end of the week.  We may not have our first frost, but my pineapple sage has started to bloom so frost can't be too far behind!
Finally, the Pineapple Sage is Blooming!  It Must Be Fall!
  Hope you are having a great day!  Talk to you later!  


  1. What a great post! I felt like I was right with you visiting these wonderful little spots. They are so old and quaint! FL is so over populated and modern, at least this far south, and visiting your blog this morning was a breath of fresh air.

    You in spire me with all that you do.

    May you and HH have a very nice weekend. Enjoy your chilly weather. Yesterday the real feel temp was 102. YIKES! I stayed indoors.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Gotta love a town called Smicksburg - what a great name! Farm stands are extra beautiful this time of year aren't must have had a very fun trip. Love the broken pottery edging and your pineapple sage looks wonderful. Mine not so much due to the cooler summer I guess though my other herbs look like thry are on steroids.

  3. Yikes, FL, hope you stay cool! Visiting little towns in other counties is fun! Thanks for your kind comments as always! Got to visit your blog! xo

    Don't you love that name TO! It was a strange summer here as well. Fortunately we have had enough rain! Thanks for coming by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady