
Monday, September 15, 2014

Raspberry Jam and Grape Jelly Take a Selfie!

This is my life at the moment!  When you grow fruit, it is sometimes hit or miss whether you get anything!  This year despite the very cold winter and the stink bugs, we have had a bumper crop of raspberries.  The jury is still out on the grapes.  They are still being cut and detangled from cat hair.  Yes, we have a feral cat that likes to climb especially the grape arbor and rests up there.  The Herbal Husband was cutting grape bunches the other day and out comes the cat.  Scared the you know what out of him!

So I will be posting sporadically.  The temperatures are starting to drop at night here in southwestern PA, so you should be doing something with your basils in particular.  Everything else should be OK.  I have my list of herbal jellies I will be making.  Just look at my chores list because I will try to change it to keep you thinking about herbs that need to be harvested.

We have been very cool already!  So I have had to scramble to make sure that the herb garden hasn't started to die back!  Lots to think about!  So hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. I have sampled your jellies and I know first hand how wonderful they are. You and HH are going to be so busy with harvesting and canning. Lovely goodies for the winter months.

    Have fun ~ Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Your jams look enticing - brought some wild rose hips back from Alberta (froze them to travel) and want to try jelly. Finding time to do it all is a challenge. We had 3 nights of freeze so basil is done for but my herbs in the new raised bed look great - the rosemary plants thrived without me!! Starting to clean up the gardens so they can get a well earned sleep. Will try to hold back the cold nights so you can get more done:-)

  3. Hi TO, So glad you made it back safely. Sounds like you had some adventures with the RV! We have been down in the 40's but the basils are still hanging in there. I have one more batch of grape jelly to make and then I will work on the basils first and other jellies after. Ooh, rose hips from Alberta sounds yummy! Time can be a challenge! Take care! Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady