
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Been Busy in My Herbal Work Space!

Somehow I Never Get a Really Cleaned Up Work Table This Time of Year!
We Recycle Everything Including Pill Containers for...
The Perfect Insect Trap!  Not What I Had In Mind!
Don't Always Get a Chance to Use Everything I Dry!
Even Though I Have Been Drying Herbs For a Long Time, This Still Happens!

Cleveland Sage Potpourri
One of My Favorite Books by Ann Lovejoy
Well, it is the time of year that my work table and space are overloaded with herbal treasures.  It is also the time of year to discover what is lurking in those opened containers used for dried herbs and what herbs need to be recycled because they are moldy!

I have had pretty good luck recently.  Not too much has gone to waste.  I have had some Cleveland Sage sit on my work table for a couple of years in an airtight container.  So I have put it to good use in a potpourri from The Sage Garden by Ann Lovejoy.  My cousin who is an architect has worked with Ms. Lovejoy in the Bainbridge Island, WA area.  It is a small world sometimes.

Cleveland Sage Potpourri

1 cup dried Cleveland sage foliage
1 cup dried rose petals
1 cup dried lavender leaves and flowers
1 cup dried sweet Annie foliage
2-inch section of a vanilla bean
2 tablespoons dried rosemary foliage
1 tablespoon dried orange zest
1 tablespoon ground orris root (fixative)
2 to 3 drops clary sage oil
2 to 3 drops rose oil

Toss dried leaves and flowers gently (like a salad).  Add orange zest and orris root and stir carefully to blend.  Dot essential oils over the whole and shake gently.  Store in an oversized, tightly closed jar or container (mixture should fill container about halfway) for 6 to 8 weeks, shaking container once or twice a week while melding.  To use, put 1/2 cup of mixture into a bowl and set in a room that needs refreshing or use in sachets.  Store remaining mixture in tightly covered jar out of direct light.

The Cleveland sage has a very sharp, crisp scent of sage.  The common sage smell is a little more muted.  I was overwhelmed by the sweet Annie as it can be potent!  I used a lot more rosemary than it says (I used a cup!)  I think it will turn out just fine.  Hope you had a productive day wherever you may be.  We worked out in the herb garden cutting annuals back and getting sticks, strings and Velcro out before we may get a bit of snow tomorrow!  We are going to get mostly rain, but snow is supposed to stick!  I'll take some photos if it does!  Our neighbors in Ohio have had a big dose already!  Talk to you later.


  1. Here you are putting your gardens to sleep and mine are starting to do better now that summer's heat and humidity are gone.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. I know FL! I will just have to start my day with a trip over to your blog for my garden fix! Thanks for stopping by as usual! xo

  3. Will match me sewing room anytime against your herbal work area - I would win for total chaos! Don't they say it is a sign of creativity??!!
    Still staring at a foot of snow here - think we are locked in for another winter. But in another month gardening catalogues will dance in our mailboxes.

    Happy herbal hours dear Lemon Verbena Lady...

  4. Yes, they do, TO! Keep thinking creative! We didn't get snow! A few flakes in the air, but other than that, the forecast was a big bust. Not unhappy about that! Yes, always happy to see the catalogs in the mail. Winter doesn't seem as long! Saw you did a new post. Will be over to see ya! xo

  5. Cleveland Sage??? What is this variety you speak of? Just been and googled, wow! Never heard of that one, wonder if I can get it here and if it will grow?

  6. In case you don't get to your FB messages, Debs, I have an old catalog from Jekka and she has sold Cleveland sage (Salvia clevelandii) at her farm. It is tender. Probably not available now. Something to look forward to in the spring! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady