
Monday, December 22, 2014

An Artemisia Wreath and Merry Christmas!

Reworked the Size of This Grapevine Wreath
Didn't Have Enough 'Silver King' Artemisia to Make a Tree
Add Some 'Sweet Annie' Artemisia
Here's How It Looks on the Front Door!
Well, three days until Christmas and it certainly doesn't look or feel like the holidays.  I think we are going to be 45 degrees today and 50's tomorrow and Christmas Eve!  No white Christmas for the 'Burgh!  We haven't had a white Christmas since 2002! 

I got my wreath done for the front door.  You can see the differences in the artemisias on the back wall of the house.  On the front door, the silver blends in with the door.  Will try to get one more post about artemisia before the year ends.  Going to take a few days off from blogging.  Hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I'll see you sometime next week!


  1. Your wreaths are lovely.

    May you and HH have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2015.


  2. Thanks, FL! Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very healthy 2015! xo

  3. Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment on my blog about Hanna. Happy holidays to you and your family.

    There are several good movies starting this week.

  4. Thanks Sharon! We have already seen The Theory of Everything (very good), Wild (raw, but a great performance by Reese Witherspoon), Birdman (oddly good)(great performances by the whole cast). Saw a preview of Far From the Madding Crowd. Looks like it is coming in Jan or Feb. Take care. Thinking of you! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady