
Saturday, December 13, 2014

More Christmas Book Suggestions for the Beginning Herbalists!

A Beginning Guide from Rosemary Gladstar
Two Volumes from Henriette Kress for the Practical Herbalist!
Well, never in a million years would I think that I would be posting about medicinal herbal books, but here I am.  As I am getting older, I am turning to more herbal remedies.  I will not be prescribing for you, but will talk about my experiences and what successes I have had.  So we are less than two weeks away from Christmas and if you are still trying to find that perfect gift herbally speaking, I think I have some help.

Natural Health Magazine calls "Rosemary Gladstar one of the most influential herbalists."  I have always heard her name and when I had the chance to buy one of her latest books, Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs, A Beginner's Guide, I did so.  The book is divided into four chapters, Chapter 1 Welcome to the Wonderful World of Medicinal Herbs, which talks about what a medicinal herb is, how it is used, the benefits of medicinal herbs and starting a medicinal herb garden.  Chapter 2 How to Make Your Own Herbal Remedies talks about making tea, syrups, oils, salves, etc. and dosages and duration.  Chapter 3 9 Familiar Herbs & Spices to Grow and Use talks about very common herbs and spices like cinnamon and rosemary and that's why I thought this is something I could do myself.  Chapter 4 24 Safe & Effective Herbs to Know, Grow and Use.  Again,  I don't think there were any on this list that I hadn't heard of, such as chickweed and burdock, but I really don't know the medicinal value and I think I will enjoy learning about them.  Well, now I have a little more time to read and learn for next year's season!

The second books I would recommend come from an herbalist in Finland named Henriette Kress called Practical Herbs and Practical Herbs 2.  I have always said as always as long as you know the botanical name of the plant you are learning about, you will be able to read anyone's book from anywhere in the world.  These books were recommended by my herbal sister, Debs Cook in England.  She has never steered me wrong at least herbally speaking!  Henriette has basics for making various basic preparations in her first book and then a description of various herbs and some pages called quick helps.  Her second book has more recipes, a chapter on energetics whether an herb is hot or cold, dry or moist, a chapter on problems and the last chapter with a different description list of herbs than in the first book.  Again, I liked the information I found about heartburn.  As I read both of these books in more detail I will comment further.  Both of these women grew up with strong herbal backgrounds with family members.  I trust their opinions.  I was just given the name of a fourth book for you to consider.  Just ordered it on  It is called Herbal Home Remedy Book by Joyce Wardwell.  It was recommended by one of our members of Herbaholic's Herbs on Facebook.  Always learning something interesting about herbs from them.  Ms. Wardwell is an American and Sarah who recommended it to me says she recommends it as a beginning book in all of her workshops.  Thanks Sarah!  I'll put a photo up on this post when I get my copy!

My Joyce Wardwell Book Arrived!
All three books are very well written, have good photos and I think would give a beginner herbalist a great start.  Less than two weeks until Christmas.  You still have a chance to enter my giveaway.  Two people are winning this year!  Here is a link A Holiday Giveaway with a Lemon and Artemisia Twist!  U.S. Readers Only!  We will draw the winning names on Monday afternoon.  So check for a new post after 1:00 PM EST.  Maybe the winner will be you!  Cold and gray in the 'Burgh!  Typical winter day.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. Dear LVBL ~ Great sounding books. I've several books on herbs as I think they are very good for our health. I've bought bulk powdered herbs and fill capsules with my handy little filler tool. After dear hubby left this planet I had a dream where he was holding a plate of herbal caps out to me, reminding me to take them. :-)

    Love and hugs to you and HH up there in your cold burgh. It is cold down here too, at least it's cold to us down here. Low 50's feeling like it's in the 40's the past five nights/mornings. Right now it's 62.

    I've printed up some Christmas cards, need to fold them next, then add drops of glue and glitter.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Hi FL, Hopefully the herbs are still good! Yes, take your herbs, they will help with a lot of ailments! Sorta of damp and dreary here. Winter is very gray and we aren't quite to winter yet! Keep on going, FL! Love we share creativity together! Love and hugs from The Herbal Husband and me! xo

  3. I have Ms Gladstars book and refer to it a day I may even get others to try herbal remedies!

  4. I do think Rosemary Gladstar's book are down to earth and easy to understand. Hopefully you will enjoy the others some day, Linda. Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady