
Monday, January 26, 2015

A Layer of Snow in the Herb Garden!

Finally, Some Snow for Insulation!
We have had a really up and down winter this season.  Some days very cold and some cool or warm for the season.  We were very low on snow which you may think would be a plus and on most days it is.  If you have a bit of snow though, it is likely that most herbs will be protected and you will have a chance of getting them through the winter.  We have about four inches on the ground with a little more to come.  It also looks like we are going to have one clipper from Canada after another for several days.  So can't crow too much about no snow!  Looks like we are going to have snow cover for awhile. 

We only have about eight weeks until the end of March!  Been looking through the seed catalogs and doing some reading about savory and stitching some projects.  A busy time even without the herb garden.  Hope you are enjoying your break!  Will talk more about savory for my next post.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. We haven't had any snow accumulation at all this year, here in NE Oklahoma. Some winters we get ice instead, and we've been lucky not to have that so far either. But we are awfully dry already for the year and that is a concern. We were out watering things yesterday.

  2. Snow to protect your gardens. Cold to give us a break from summer heat and humidity. :-)

    Stay warm and cozy ~ FlowerLady

    P.S. I am using the little notebook you sent me for a 'gratitude journal'. Thank you.

  3. Hi Ilene, We have been very light in the snow department this season and now that we are coming into the worst part of our winter, we need some cover. I'm really so happy. xo

    Hi FL, So glad you like the notebook. Thought you could use it. We lost power the other night for 2 hours and when I called to find out how long it would be out, the lights came back on! Herbal magic! Hope you warm up again! I'm sure you are there already! xo

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  4. I don't mind some snow. It's the single digit cold and wind that I don't like. Oh, well. It will pass soon enough and then we will be enjoying Spring.

  5. I agree Susanne. It wasn't Christmas for me without snow. The cold and wind and now ice for us isn't good. But like you say, spring is getting closer and I made my first seed purchase today so it's closer than ever! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady