
Friday, March 27, 2015

A Return to Finish the Geffrye Museum Period Gardens, London, England-May 2014!

Entrance to the Geffrye Museum of Domestic Interiors
Another Look at the Hedge Germander and Santolina Knot Garden
Chives in Bloom in Raised Beds in the Late Elizabethan Garden
Southernwood-The 2014 Herb of the Year in Late Elizabethan Garden
The Mid-late Georgian Garden
The Auricula Theatre in the Mid-late Georgian Garden
Rosa 'De Meaux'
A Wild and Crazy Lemon Verbena!
Mid-late Victorian Bedding Bed!

Mid-late Victorian Glasshouse
One More Mid-late Victorian Bedding Bed
An Edwardian Perennial Bed
Rosa 'Irene Watts'
I just have a few more posts from my 2014 visit to London, England.  I return to finish my post about The Geffrye period gardens.  Just outside the walled herb garden there is a long path of another garden rooms at the back of The Geffrye Museum of the Home.

In the Period Garden Rooms Guide it states:  "These gardens have been created to show the changing nature of English town gardens.  They form a series of garden rooms, to complement the period rooms inside the museum.  The layout of the gardens, the types of plants used and their arrangement within the beds are based on recent research into middle-class gardens in London and other major towns in England.  This research is ongoing, and these gardens will be developed as new evidence comes to light.
It really has become one of my must see gardens in London.  Every plant is very well marked.  There are wonderful signs going from period garden to period garden.  Describing what kind of gardens were popular for the period and giving a list of just some of the plants used.  It is a wonderful place for learning.  There was a group of school children running through the gardens taking notes.  It was so wonderful to see them enjoying the different plants and garden styles.  They will always remember their visit and hopefully it has sprouted many new gardeners.

Well we have returned to January if only for a couple of days!  It was flurrying earlier!  Yikes!  I did get myself a little herbal gift to cheer The Herbal Husband and me up!   It had 6" Lavender on the side of the pot.  I'm thinking it is either a 'green fringed' or a 'Goodwin Creek'.  It was decided on my Facebook page that it is a 'Goodwin Creek' one of my favorites.  Either way it will be going into my lavender container that was pirated for someone's tomato plant last season.  It will be perfect for my upcoming talk on herbal containers.   So I'll keep posting in the next few days while I'm still stuck inside.  Hope you have a great weekend.  Talk to you soon.

 'Goodwin Creek' Lavender


  1. The Gardens were beautiful and thanks so much for sharing them. I know I'll never make it over there to see them. I do love your new Lavender the more I see the more I like it. Can't wait to see it potted and enjoying your garden :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by as always, dear Carol! So glad you can travel in your recliner and enjoy it. I just hope the lavender holds until it can go out on the patio! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady