
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Assessing the Damage Or Deer Poop Patrol!

Besides Chives, Lemon Balm Is Always Present in the Spring!
Deer Poop in the Paths!
Deer Poop in the Beds!
A Dicentra Poking Its Leaves Out!
Raspberries Look Unscathed!
Even This Early, It Doesn't Look Too Bad!

In the End, Herbs Are What It's All About!

We were just anxious to get out in the garden today.  The compost bags that we couldn't get to the back were going to be moved today.  It was a bone chilling cold day, too cold to do the compost.  So we just made a tour of the garden while keeping our eyes to the ground.  We had a lot of visitors (deer) in the garden this winter and they don't mind where they poop in the paths or in the beds!

It is always a happy moment to see herbs (lemon balm) and other perennials (Dicentra) coming out of the soil.  We did cover over that Dicentra just in case the deer would be looking.  Our big old holly original to the property came through very well.  So in the coming days we will be checking off items on lists as the weather is drier and sunnier and hopefully we will be able to plant some of the early seeds, the lettuces, the spinach, the radishes (although we always have a bunch of volunteers), the chard, and the peas and cilantro.

Hope you had a great weekend.  I'll talk to you later.


  1. Deer were very plentiful here in eastern PA as well. Herds of 10 to 14 every afternoon before dark and then during the nite at the bird feeders. I took to buying corn on the cob for them with all the snow they too had a tough winter.

  2. Hi Ginny, It's nice to have you stop by. They must have found enough to eat in our garden. :) It was quite a winter. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady