
Friday, March 20, 2015

RHS Malvern Spring Festival-May 2014-Part One!

The Deer Would Find This Dog Interesting!
The Herbal Husband's Name is Pepe!
These Crops Needed Protection from the Wind!
It Looked Like Rain All Day!
The RHS Outdoor Display
Pershore College Selling Organic Herbs!
Lots of Vendors Selling Their Wares!
If Only I Could Have Fit This in My Suitcase!
They Even Had Antique Cars!
The Overabundant Speaker's Stage!
Angelica in a Container!
A Very Famous Chef, James Martin Who Did Cooking Demos!
Well, decided before I continue the rest of the Geffrye Museum visit, I had to back up and finish my trip to Great Malvern to the Spring Festival with my British herbal sister, Debs and her fab husband for doing all of the driving, Simon!  The day was not the best but I don't remember that it rained or maybe we were inside just at the times that it did rain.  The wind was the issue, but we were all dressed for the wind and weather.  There were lots of outside vendors and inside displays.  I would call it Chelsea Country.  Malvern is more spread out and in several buildings that are permanent structures on the showgrounds.  This is just the start of four total posts on the RHS Malvern Spring Festival.  In the next post, we will see the show gardens and some of the herb gardening vendors.

We had snow at the beginning of the day in the 'Burgh and fortunately it didn't stay long!  This is March weather though!  Up and down.  Hope you had a great day.  Talk to you tomorrow.


  1. This looks like an enjoyable festival.

  2. There is more to come so stay tuned! Thanks for stopping by, Terra. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady